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作者:未知  来源:约拿的家  日期:2012-12-06  浏览:  加入收藏




【徒21:23】 你就照着我们的话行吧,我们这里有四个人,都有愿在身。
so do what we tell you. There are four men with us who have made a vow.
【徒21:24】 你带他们去,与他们一同行洁净的礼,替他们拿出规费,叫他们得以剃头。这样,众人就可知道,先前所听见你的事都是虚的。并可知道,你自己为人,循规蹈矩,遵行律法。
Take these men, join in their purification rites and pay their expenses, so that they can have their heads shaved. Then everybody will know there is no truth in these reports about you, but that you yourself are living in obedience to the law.
【徒21:25】 至于信主的外邦人,我们已经写信拟定,叫他们谨忌那祭偶像之物,和血,并勒死的牲畜,与奸淫。
As for the Gentile believers, we have written to them our decision that they should abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality.'
【徒21:26】 于是保罗带着那四个人,第二天与他们一同行了洁净的礼,进了殿,报明洁净的日期满足。只等祭司为他们各人献祭。
The next day Paul took the men and purified himself along with them. Then he went to the temple to give notice of the date when the days of purification would end and the offering would be made for each of them.
【徒21:27】 那七日将完,从亚西亚来的犹太人,看见保罗在殿里,就耸动了众人,下手拿他,
When the seven days were nearly over, some Jews from the province of Asia saw Paul at the temple. They stirred up the whole crowd and seized him,
【徒21:28】 喊叫说,以色列人来帮助,这就是在各处教训众人糟践我们百姓,和律法,并这地方的。他又带着希利尼人进殿,污秽了这圣地。
shouting, 'Men of Israel, help us! This is the man who teaches all men everywhere against our people and our law and this place. And besides, he has brought Greeks into the temple area and defiled this holy place.'
【徒21:29】 这话是因他们曾看见以弗所人特罗非摩,同保罗在城里,以为保罗带他进了殿。
(They had previously seen Trophimus the Ephesian in the city with Paul and assumed that Paul had brought him into the temple area.)
【徒21:30】 合城都震动,百姓一齐跑来,拿住保罗,拉他出殿,殿门立刻都关了。
The whole city was aroused, and the people came running from all directions. Seizing Paul, they dragged him from the temple, and immediately the gates were shut.
【徒21:31】 他们正想要杀他,有人报信给营里的千夫长说,耶路撒冷合城都乱了。
While they were trying to kill him, news reached the commander of the Roman troops that the whole city of Jerusalem was in an uproar.
【徒21:32】 千夫长立时带着兵丁,和几个百夫长,跑下去到他们那里。他们见了千夫长和兵丁,就止住不打保罗。
He at once took some officers and soldiers and ran down to the crowd. When the rioters saw the commander and his soldiers, they stopped beating Paul.
【徒21:33】 于是千夫长上前拿住他,吩咐用两条铁链捆锁。又问他是什么人,作的是什么事。
The commander came up and arrested him and ordered him to be bound with two chains. Then he asked who he was and what he had done.
【徒21:34】 众人有喊叫这个的,有喊叫那个的。千夫长因为这样乱嚷,得不着实情,就吩咐人将保罗带进营楼去。
Some in the crowd shouted one thing and some another, and since the commander could not get at the truth because of the uproar, he ordered that Paul be taken into the barracks.
【徒21:35】 到了台阶上,众人挤得凶猛,兵丁只得将保罗抬起来。
When Paul reached the steps, the violence of the mob was so great he had to be carried by the soldiers.
【徒21:36】 众人跟在后面,喊着说,除掉他。
The crowd that followed kept shouting, 'Away with him!'
【徒21:37】 将要带他进营楼,保罗对千夫长说,我对你说句话,可以不可以?他说,你懂得希利尼话吗?
As the soldiers were about to take Paul into the barracks, he asked the commander, 'May I say something to you?' 'Do you speak Greek?' he replied.
【徒21:38】 你莫非是从前作乱,带领四千凶徒,往旷野去的那埃及人吗?
'Aren't you the Egyptian who started a revolt and led four thousand terrorists out into the desert some time ago?'
【徒21:39】 保罗说,我本是犹太人,生在基利家的大数,并不是无名小城的人,求你准我对百姓说话。
Paul answered, 'I am a Jew, from Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of no ordinary city. Please let me speak to the people.'
【徒21:40】 千夫长准了,保罗就站在台阶上,向百姓摆手,他们都静默无声,保罗便用希伯来话对他们说。
Having received the commander's permission, Paul stood on the steps and motioned to the crowd. When they were all silent, he said to them in Aramaic :


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